Resolutions for Healthier Eyes

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Healthier Eyes

‘Tis the season for fresh starts! We head back to the gym or vow to eat healthier (at least healthier than we did in December!). In January, we think about all the ways we want our lives to improve in the New Year. But, does your list include goals for your eyes?

Just like you can’t wish your body healthy, it takes a little effort to keep your eyes healthy as well. But, don’t worry. With a little daily effort, it’s a whole lot easier to care for your eyes than it is to add burpees and jogging to your weekly routine!

Here are five resolutions you can make to have healthier eyes in 2019:

  1. Resolution One: I will eat my vegetables (and salmon and nuts!)

There’s no getting around it, dark green leafy veggies as well as carrots, squash red bell peppers, and sweet potatoes are all great ways to feed your body and keep your eyes healthy. Vitamin C, plus Vitamins A, lutein, and anti-oxidants all keep your eyes bright and healthy. Pair your veggies with a healthy piece of salmon and you’ll add a powerful punch of Omega 3s to the mix, which may help you prevent glaucoma.

Almonds, walnuts, and even hazelnuts contain Vitamin E, which has been shown to help slow age-related macular degeneration and possibly prevent cataracts. Grab some blueberries, oranges, acai or sunflower seeds and make an eye healthy trail mix!

  1. Resolution Two: I’ll take screen breaks.

Our lives revolve around screens, and all this screen time is hard on the eyes. Vow to take breaks and look away from your screen at least once an hour. Ideally, take a 20 second break to blink every 20 minutes you are starting at a screen. During your break, focus on something far away (at least 20 feet) or head to the window and look outside (ideally!). This is called the 20-20-20 rule and it can help prevent digital eye strain.

  1. Resolution Three: I’ll always wear my sunglasses.

No matter the season, if the sun’s shining your eyes are subject to harmful UVA & UVB rays that can harm your vision and put you at greater risk for eye diseases. Protect those peepers with great sunglasses with ophthalmic quality lenses, guaranteed to block those rays. Cheap sunglasses from box stores won’t give you the blockage you need. Eyeglass World offers an incredible selection of great designer sunglass frames plus the latest advances in sun lens technology.

  1. Resolution Four: I’ll drink enough water.

Dry eyes feel awful, especially if you wear contact lenses. But, did you know that drinking water can help you defeat dry eye? If you know you’re drinking enough water (8 glasses a day or more), then consider carrying some high quality allergy or eye lubricating drops with you to make sure your eyes are always comfortable.

  1. Resolution Five: I’ll keep it clean.

When it comes to your eye health, your eyes are only as healthy as what gets in them. Engaging in proper hygiene practices will help keep your eyes safe from infection. Especially if it’s allergy season, wash your face and hair before you go to sleep (on a clean pillow case!) to help protect your eyes from fighting allergens all night long. Remove all of your eye makeup before you go to sleep. And, of course, always wash your hands with soap and water and then squirt a little saline over top if you’re going to be touching your eyes and handling contact lenses.

Hopefully, these five resolutions will keep you and your eyes, healthy. Happy New Year!