Shop Blue Light Lenses at Eyeglass World

New Tech Defense™ Lenses Protect You From Harmful Blue Light

Eyeglass World is pleased to announce a brand new type of lens—Tech Defense™ Lenses— to protect your eyes from blue light!

Blue light produces higher energy wavelengths than regular white light—which is actually comprised of rays of light from every color of the rainbow. Though we’re exposed to blue light from the sun, we’re also exposed to blue light from sources like fluorescent lights, CFL light bulbs, and LED lights, not to mention all our screens! The screen on your phone, your TV, your tablet and your computer are each sources of blue light exposure.

Our eyes weren’t designed to look at all that blue light from morning until night. For this reason, blue light exposure has become a health risk. Organizations like the American Optometric Association and Prevent Blindness, are concerned that over exposure to blue light in our technologically driven world could do more harm than good.

Recognizing blue light exposure as a huge problem and understanding that we aren’t going to get rid of our screens anytime soon, Eyeglass World created a solution to help protect your eyes from the damage of blue light exposure.

Eyeglass World’s new Tech Defense™ lenses provide up to three times more protection from harmful blue light than a standard clear polycarbonate lens. In addition, Tech Defense™ lenses filter up to 20% of harmful blue light, while standard lenses only filter 5%.

Exposure to blue light can make your eyes feel tired and dry. Though the effects of long-term exposure to blue light are still being studied, researchers are seeing a connection between blue light exposure and serious eye diseases like Advanced Macular Degeneration (AMD), cataracts, or even blindness.

Blue lights effect on circadian rhythm has been documented as a sleep disruptor. For people who like to watch their screens at night, Tech Defense™ lenses may help alleviate some of blue light’s impact on sleep.

Blue light isn’t going away anytime soon. So, your best defense is to protect yourself. Head to your closest Eyeglass World and ask about new Tech Defense™ lenses. Your eyes will thank you for it.