Eye Twitching: Why It Happens

Like hiccups, the twitching of your eye can be annoying. Not dangerous, not threatening, just annoying.

And most annoying of all, they happen for no real good reason, and there’s not much you can do to prevent them.

The technical term for an eye twitch is myokimia, which is a glorified way of saying your eye twitch is really an involuntary muscle contraction. This muscle contraction typically takes place in your lower eye lid and spasms spastically. And even though it may interrupt your vision and feel like everyone can see your eye winking out of control, it’s hardly noticeable unless someone is intentionally looking for it.

Reasons for Eye Twitching

Many people believe certain things can trigger a twitching eye. Things such as:

  • Stress
  • Dry Eyes
  • Eye Strain
  • Fatigue
  • Allergies
  • An imbalance in nutrients
  • Dehydration from alcohol and caffeine

Most of these causes can be directly addressed and if you’re suffering from an eye twitch, more than likely you can identify the trigger from this list.

However, if you are experiencing pain or discomfort other than the actual twitch, schedule an appointment with your optometrist located inside your local Eyeglass World today.

How To Stop Your Eye From Twitching

Most eye twitches can be resolved by drinking plenty of water and replacing caffeinated and/or alcoholic beverages with liquids containing plenty of electrolytes.

If you think allergies or a nutritional imbalance is to blame, you may want to consult with your primary physician and alter your diet or supplement intake.

And believe it or not, taking a few moments to meditate or rest can make a world of difference when it comes to your body. Relaxing and allowing yourself to relieve stress can not only prevent eye twitches, but also calm your body and systems.

So the next time you feel those muscles tensing up, before thinking something is terribly wrong, take a moment to tackle the problem.