Do I Need More Than One Pair of Eyeglasses? Four Reasons Why You Do!

At Eyeglass World we offer incredible prices on two pairs of frames. In fact, you can get two eyeglass frames for as low as $78! But some customers ask: Do I really need more than one pair of eyeglasses?

The answer is an emphatic yes!

Here are four reasons why you should always have more than one pair of eyeglasses.

  1. Searching the House for Your Glasses, Without Your Glasses, is Hard.

I’ll confess: I don’t always set my glasses down in the same place. Sometimes I leave them in the bathroom, other times it’s by my bed. But, when you’re in a hurry or really need your glasses, knowing you have a spare pair in your purse or on your desk is a huge help. And, if you need your glasses to see well both near and far, searching the house for your glasses, without your glasses, is a really difficult chore. (Trust me!)

  1. Accidents Happen.

It’s been my experience that accidents never happen at optimal times. Though it may be easy to get your glasses repaired or replaced at noon on a Wednesday, it can be harder if they break late Sunday afternoon or while you’re on vacation. It’s always best to have a back up pair of eyeglasses—in your current prescription—so broken glasses don’t leave you in a lurch.

  1. You Have More than One Pair of Shoes.

It’s true. Most of the U.S. population owns more than one pair of shoes because there’s a good chance your work shoes aren’t good for the gym or your gym shoes aren’t good to wear to weddings. We own multiple pairs of shoes because we match our shoes to our daily look. Why should eyeglasses be any different? Why not have a variety of designer frame styles or colors to match your look for the day? Be-jeweled, dressed-up metal frames may be just what you need for a night out. But, for cozy nights of reading by the fire, a nice, plastic tortoise shell frame may be more comfortable. When you’re wearing that new red sweater, why not choose eyeglass frames with a pop of red to match? Or, if you’re feeling kind of moody and wearing all black, why not hide behind an all black, geek chic look, frame?

  1. Glasses are Your Most Important Accessory.

Ladies, did you know that your glasses do more to change and improve your look than a new pair of earrings or a statement necklace? Guys, stop relying on your tie to display your personality and instead recognize that your glasses are already expressing your style. Your eyes are the one place that every person you meet will look. They’ll notice your eyeglasses. And, for that reason, you may not want to wear the same pair every single day.

First of all, that can get kind of boring. It’s like wearing the same outfit everyday—you just wouldn’t do it. But, second, without multiple pairs of eyeglasses you’re missing out on a opportunity to show your style and accent your clothing, hair, makeup, or whatever you spent a lot of time on that morning and want people to notice.

When designer glasses are as affordable as they are at Eyeglass World, there’s really no excuse for not having multiple frame options to accent your style. So check out the full selection of two pair deals at your closest Eyeglass World or shop online here.