Ask An Expert: Link Between Heart Diseases & Eye Health

Dear Eyeglass World,

I’ve heard eye doctors can sometimes detect other health issues during a typical eye exam. What would an optometrist find that’s worth going to another doctor about?Is it true that there can be a link between heart diseases and eye health?

John in Maryland

Dear John,

Link Between Heart DiseasesResearch continues to show that there is a link between heart diseases and our eye health, as well as a variety of other health issues.

Here are a few of the most common health issues an optometrist can detect during an eye exam.

Vision Loss & High Blood Pressure

Vision loss is a sign that you may be suffering from high blood pressure or hypertension, both of which are precursors to a stroke or potential heart attack. High blood pressure causes blood vessels to narrow or even bleed. It can also cause the optic nerve to swell and reduce one’s ability to see. This damage can be permanent.

Your optometrist will use an opthalmoscope to look at the capillaries on the surface of your eye to evaluate the condition of the blood vessels. If the doctor notices signs of nerve damage, the next most likely step would be a referral to a medical practitioner to test for high blood pressure.

Diabetic Retinopathy & Cardiovascular Diseases

Decades ago, the “Framingham Heart and Eye” study uncovered an association between cardiovascular diseases (i.e. heart disease and stroke) and diabetic retinopathy. As the severity of diabetic retinopathy (vision loss due to diabetes) increases, the risk of heart-related diseases also increases.

Researchers have looked at several different reasons for the connection including the amount of calcium levels in the coronary arteries. Other studies have implied that the same types of damage done to the eyes during retinopathy—damage from the accumulation of sugars and cell damage—impact the arteries in a similar way, explaining why the two health issues may often be found to escalate together.

Hypertensive Retinopathy

Blood cells in the retina can provide clues to overall blood vessel health. Many doctors now believe that retinal imaging is the best and most non-invasive way to examine blood vessels. During a retinal scan, patients with high blood pressure will exhibit something called hypertensive retinopathy. This development could help researchers find was to prevent the incidence of strokes using retinal imaging.

If you experience any problems in your vision, it’s always best to see your optometrist right away as these vision changes may be a sign that something else is happening to your body. Talk to the optometrist at Eyeglass World if you have any concerns with your vision or experience any sight loss.